visibility insert_comment event July 17, 2022 timer 16:11
Dilma Rousseff and Aloizio Mercadante will go to Colombia for Gustavo Petro’s inauguration

According to the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, the former president of the Republic of Brazil Dilma Rousseff and the former minister Aloizio Mercadante will go to Colombia to honor the inauguration ceremony of the new president Gustavo Petro, which will be on August 7, 2022.

Dilma Rousseff and Aloizio Mercadante will go to Colombia to inaugurate Gustavo Petro (Photo: Disclosure)

Gustavo Petro received the support of the Workers’ Party and Lula in the presidential campaign.

Gustavo Petro defeated businessman Rodolfo Hernández with 50.49% of the votes and will be the first left-wing candidate to win a presidential election in Colombia.

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